Thursday, August 13, 2009

Living in the moment...

One of the most important things I learnt from Ina Wiegand, my coach, as I was preparing for my Licentiate, is to sing in the moment. Ina rightly says that if you don't think about what you're singing, it's so easy to have what she calles "fish eyes" - those dead-pan eyes that have no expression or feeling. It's what makes potentially good singers bad.

Ina reminded me that you have to think as you sing - that you can't play your mind forward or backward when you're busy with a song - otherwise it loses its meaning. As someone who is often guilty of living in the past or in the future, I'm so glad she told me this. We often say, "I can't wait for this or that," and then when we get to the end of our lives we regret that it all went so fast...

I like what John Demartini says: living in the past is linked to regret, living in the future is linked to fear, living in the present is a state of gratitude, which is love and light. Great advice!

I will strive to live in the present in all I do - including singing...

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