Saturday, December 15, 2012

On going gold & releasing my 8th album...

I wrote this on my Facebook page yesterday: "Hey Dad! Happy 68th birthday for yesterday. Miss you, but know you are still with me in spirit. How's Rod? Just wanted you to know that I have just released my 8th album, which is dedicated to you. Hope you love it! It's called 'A Cappella Christmas Vol. 2.' Enjoy. Much love, Rob. Xxxx" I couldn't help but cry, and I am glad they weren't tears of sorrow but of joy, like the ones I experienced in studio the other day - for the first time in my life!
What a year 2012 has been! It's been brilliant and it's been challenging, like every year before and every year that is yet to come in my life. And that's okay, because I know that we, the entire universe, are surrounded and enveloped in an amazing love that is eternal and omnipresent.
Last year perhaps my single biggest musical achievement was my South African Music Award (SAMA) nomination, but this year there have been quite a few:
  • It's official: the "Could This Be Love" house single with Cuebur and Shimza went gold in SA, which is just amazing! I set myself a goal back in 2006 to achieve gold status by June 2007 and platinum by December the same year. Little did I know how much work would be involved! But I am soooo happy that I achieved the first part of that goal, five-and-a-half years later... That's okay too - better late than never, and now at least I am on my way...
  • We finally did a video for CTBL as part of the 48 Hour Music Video Project, which Johannesburg had the awesome privilege of being involved in - one of only 14 cities in the world.
  • The song was nominated as the second-best song at the prize giving for the MVP, and a well-know local group, The Muffinz, said they absolutely loved it, and fought hard for it, so it became a two-hour fight between my song and the winner. I could never have done it without Cuebur, an amazing and humble producer and DJ that is just such a pleasure to work with.
  • A Cappella Christmas Vol. 2 was released this year, and became my 8th album release in 4 years, since my 1st release back in 2008. Shameful that it took me more than 10 years to release my 1st album, but I was waiting for a major label to pick me up. Eventually I woke up and started using my brain, and since then the albums have been coming thick & fast. I like being in control of my career!
  • I may even get a 9th album out this year still, if I can get my awesome graphic designer to finish the cover before the 31st!
I am deeply, richly blessed, I have had an amazing life, and I am incredibly grateful for my family and my life. Just all that good stuff, you know? Every human being has tasted it, no matter how tough they have it/have had it/will have it. There is always something to smile about, even on days when you're totally pissed off.
Musica, grata Deo.

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