Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I've just posted my first video on YouTube:

So excited! John, one of my best friends, sent me the link of Susan Boyle at Britain's Got Talent. You go, Paula Potts! I love Paul Potts too.

Yeah, it's been a great day. Another brilliant friend reminded me today of my strengths as an artist, which solidified my resolve to do what I love with passion: music and singing. Life is truly blessed when you live & follow your dream with all your heart. I am happier & more grateful than I have ever been.

Musica, grata Deo.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Blue Moon Hello

Been so busy writing blogs, teaching singing students and generally trying to catch up with Twitter, Facebook and all the rest, that I finally sent one of my best friends an sms that read, "A blue moon hello!" It means I hardly ever see him. I've become a computer slave, like Hal in 2001/2010, but in this case Hal is my HP laptop. Or maybe that should read hell...

Possible future album title? Which part? I like it...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Music videos

So whilst we're busy doing this research for the Gauteng Government on the music industry, I heard from Jon Shaw that he knows the guy at M-Net who'd be interested in viewing our video and maybe putting it on TV. Yay! It's not even finished yet and that is great news!